Milton Copperas 1000 Copper Bottle, 920 ml, 1 Piece, Copper

Condition: New product

Helps in losing weight: Drinking water stored in a copper vessel regularly, aids in weight loss

Prevents cancer: Copper has strong antioxidant properties that help to fight off the cancer-causing agents and radicals to stay away from the body

Improves the work of thyroid gland: Most common problem with people diagnosed with thyroid disease is that they have low levels of copper

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Milton presents 100% pure leak proof Copper Bottle with multiple health benefits: Copper is one of the metals preferred by our grandparents and ancestors for various health benefits and cheapest solution to clean water. The best way to reap the best benefits from Copper is to fill water in a Copper cup, leave it overnight and drink the water very next morning. According to Ayurveda, drinking Copper-Enriched water first thing in the morning on an empty stomach helps balance all three doshas (Kapha, Vata and Pitta). This also ensures proper functioning of different organs and several metabolic processes. Water in a Copper vessel can be stored for a long period of time and it never becomes stale. Copper is an essential trace mineral that is vital to human health. It has antimicrobial, antioxidant, anti-carcinogenic and anti-inflammatory properties. It also helps neutralize toxins. Unlike some nutritional elements, the body cannot synthesize copper, Drinking 2 to 3 glasses of water that has been stored in a copper vessel is another easy way to supply your body with enough Copper.

Cleaning Instructions-Clean bottle from inside before use: Mix Vinegar & salt or Lemon & salt with water, then put in bottle - Close the lid and shake the bottle thoroughly - Pour out the Mixture and rinse will with clean water - Do not use scrubs to clean outer surface.


From the manufacturer

Milton Copperas 1000

Copper- the other white gold from ancient Ayurveda, is brought to you in form of a bottle from the house of MILTON. The seamless & elegantly curved bottle is made from 99.9% pure Copper. Known for its anti-bacterial, anti-oxidant, brain- stimulator and immunity booster properties, Copper bottles are just the perfect companion for those with an active lifestyle. In addition to the health benefits, these are also beautiful work of handcrafted & functional art.


  • Leak Proof
  • Increases immunity
  • Boost heart health
  • Slows down ageing
  • Outside of the bottle is coated with quality lacquer